Delivering Optimal Learning Environments

What motivates us?

There is a general lack of awareness as to how indoor environmental conditions affect our performance, well-being and health.

This is particularly true in the case of school environments on classrooms, other facilities and buildings. School buildings and classrooms are where children of all ages are encouraged to do their best at varied learning activities. Our solution allows engaging end-users in the optimisation of the context environment. The advanced technologies deliver the results where users are in charge. Our services deliver perceptive tools and comprehensive visuals helping active indoor environment management.


Contextual Sensing
for Learning


Open services platform & educational program

Indoor environment that improves cognitive performance and attention span while increasing comfort levels and also limits the transmission of airborne infectious diseases.
Real-time monitoring of building resources usage including electricity, water and gas. Further analytics applied to improve energy efficiency, reduce costs and carbon footprint.

Monitoring Climate parameters on the glocal level, such as municipality. Educators can use this information to better organise outdoors activities and integrate in educational program.

Gradual introduction of services, co-creation activities, edutainment program and materials for optimal uptake.


The advanced IoT enabled technologies

Deliver Optimal Educational Built Environments To Address Well-being

Optimise Resources Uses Within Educational Facilities

Adopt An Integrated Climate Change Adaptation In Educational Program

The Smarter School Digital Platform

Is enabled by new digital infrastructures and digital twins

Enabled by the deployment of IoT sensors and digital twins technology to offer a multilayer value proposition of IoT driven data and faster adaptation of IoT driven solutions in public buildings and educational facilities.

The smarter school technological solution, through an IoT enabled platform, drives the core services and is also designed for easy interface with complementary services (third party services). We welcome collaborations that enable better learning environments.

Visual context

Optimal learning environment Index™

We designed and developed a way to make data and analytics usable. Optimal learning environment Index is a dynamic real-time tool, powered by a proprietary algorithm, that indicates the optimal performance of the classroom or a school. We make complex information understandable for all end-users, from children and teachers to building managers and other decision-makers.

The index combines and weighs several Indoor Environmental Quality parameters, and it can be used in situations where the available parameters are different. Furthermore, according to the learning space characteristics and type of use the Index will also adapt and evaluate accordingly.

We evaluate classroom conditions or any other indoor space based on dynamically developed parameters for the optimal educational process and building performance. This evaluation is made both in real-time as well as for the occupancy hours of the day and any other period, from weeks to semesters.

The index informs building managers and other users in a comprehensive and meaningful way while advising them on how to improve their environment if conditions can be improved.

The index adapts to each type of user it interacts with. Students based in their age group interact with a friendly mascot that helps them make sense of what is going on, teachers get a more detailed description of the conditions and can customise and set the activity. Other end-users like building managers and school administrators have a more technical interaction with the index to support their decision-making processes.

The monitoring of the indoor air quality naturally enables optimisation of the environment to reduce the risk of infectious disease transmission.

Well-being and Productivity in learning environments

Inform. Educate. Manage.

Lets achieve these goals together

Q: What features of the solution did you find most innovative?
A: Get real-time data to be able to act on time.
Q 2
Q: Which features of this solution did you find most innovative?
A: The idea that, if set correctly, this system has a high potential to fit a very wide range of applications.
Q 2
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ecosystems enablement

Our stakeholders

We aim at improving their well-being, learning experience and awareness about their school environment.

The solution aims to become a day today tool to improve the quality of the learning experience and educational tool.

This solution improves their decision making by providing more information than they normally have access to and by letting them integrate other users’ opinions effortlessly and effectively.

This solution enriches the overall management of the schools by letting school administrators evaluate schools’ conditions and resources use.

the way we see it

Our insights on optimal learning environments

Focusing on addressing all audiences

Technology & importance of index benchmarking

Science behind optimal learning environments

where we come from

What are our roots?

The Smarter school solution is a spin-off from scientific research programm that spanned 4 years. The technology is a spinoff from an EU Horizon 2020 project. These use cases were tested in municipal buildings. Services were co-created with the stakeholders and demonstrated within real life environment. The solution was redesigned, functionalities were expanded and the collaborative platform tailored for educational environments was created.

Interested in piloting the project in your educational facility?

Do you have a service to integrate into our platform?

Interested in a demonstration or work on a demo?

If you think the Smarter School solution is what you are looking for, or if you want to know more about it, get in touch!

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